V sobotu 7. května proběhne v polských Katowicích velká techno akce Toxicator. Přinášíme vám kompletní line up a další informace k této zajímavé party.
Attention! Attention! This Year, on the 7th of May in Silesia once again will be threat – TOXICATOR known virus!
Symptoms of infection: an irresistible wish all-night fun and unification with the infected crowd, a sense of euphoria in each cell and the day after infection, muscle aches, general tiredness of the body ... Dead Zone from Chorzow this time moved to the Katowice.

There is a giant risk of an epidemic so to strengthen the immune system, we recommend the following treatment by direct contact with the pathogen! The Gallery “Szyb Wilson” is the only place of quarantine. Only here You will be safe and secure, and only here You will be able to fight!
For the first time in three years of history, TOXICATOR will spread to three dance floor:
- HCHS virus type (Hard Core and Hard Style): vectors: Outblast and Luna from the Netherlands.
- Infected with the HT (Hard Techno) will be on the second stage: BMG, Arkus P., Suture, OBI
- Unfortunately, the most dangerous type of virus will grip the third stage: HSMiP (Hard Style Made in Poland). SchizeQ, Overbizz, The Prototypes, and Kona Black Zieloneq will send message for all Rave-Nations: We're tough, we're loud and we are many!
Toxicator - Infect Yourself!
In Poland there is a community that doesn’t suffice heartbeat caused by bits of Techno, Trance and House. They want more ... They want several thousand Watts of pure Hardcore, Hardstyle, Hardtechno. They want to feel the best industrial, led by the unlimited creativity of Artists. For them, this moment has just come.

TOXICATOR touched their minds, hearts and kindled their desire! Silesia in Poland has always been the place where it all began. We go even further. We have removed the border walls, expand your horizons. We accelerate this machine only for You!