Kaur Kareda - Underground Resistence Unexploitable

Další malá neznámá u Nás,ale i tak je to mistr.Enjoy
- 01. Andre Holland - Unabomber / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
- 02. Marc Floyd - The Safety Is Off / Condition Red [UR-043]
- 03. UR - Code Red / Acid Rain III [UR-028]
- 04. UR - Nannytown / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
- 05. Remote - Protecting My Hive / The Swarm [UR-048]
- 06. Mad Mike - Moor Horseman On Bolarus 5 / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
- 07. Perception - Mirage / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
- 08. Mad Mike - Metamorphisis / Galaxy 2 Galaxy [UR-025]
- 09. Andre Holland - I'm In / The Infiltrator [UR-039]
- 10. Marc Floyd - Wobbler / Condition Red [UR-043]
- 11. Chameleon - Re:con / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050]
- 12. Drexciya - Bubble Metropolis / Bubble Metropolis [UR-026]
- 13. The Infiltrator - Thought 1 / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
- 14. Drexciya - Smokey's Illegitimate Report / The Return Of Drexciya [UR-037]
- 15. The Suburban Knight - Nocturbulous / Nocturbulous Behaviour [UR-011]
- 16. Octave One - Day Star Rising [UR-015]
- 17. The Suburban Knight - Infra Red Spectrum / Nocturbulous Behaviour [UR-011]
- 18. UR - The Mighty Asteroids Of Jupiter / Acid Rain III [UR-028]
- 19. Mad Mike - Base Camp Alpha 808 / The Final Frontier [UR-003]
- 20. DJ Rolando - The Shining Path / The Aztec Mystic [UR-035]
- 21. Dark Energy - Black Strategy / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050]
- 22. The Suburban Knight - Maroon / Interstellar Fugitives [UR-045]
- 23. UR - Atomic Witchdokta / Dark Energy [UR-029]
- 24. UR - Electronic Warfare / Electronic Warfare: The Mixes [UR-034]
- 25. Mad Mike - The Final Frontier / The Final Frontier [UR-003]
- 26. UR - B2 / Codebreaker [UR-038]
- 27. Mad Mike - Metamorphisis / Galaxy 2 Galaxy [UR-025]
- 28. The Suburban Knight - Nitestrike / Hidden In Plainsight [UR-050]