Dennis Ferrer - Essential Mix 09/27

Broadcast: BBC Radio 1
- 1. Yellow and Astrid Suryanto - Light On Me (Satoshie Tomiie mix) - Project
- 2. Anto Vitale - Majico - Seasons Limited
- 3. Gel Abril - Spells Of Yoruba - Be As One
- 4. Patrice Baumel - Roar - Get Physical
- 5. SIS - Trompeta - SeiEsDrum
- 6. Sebo K - Diva - Mobilee
- 7. SWV - Rain (Bams Main Vox) - RCA
- 8. Osunlade - Mommas Groove (Nomumbahs mix) - Strictly Rhythm
- 9. Chaim - Africomania - Bpitch Control
- 10. Lukeshara - Glowind (Lars Behrenroth mix) - Deeper Shades
- 11. Roberto Rodriguez - Singularity - Freerange
- 12. Trolle and Siebenhaar - Sweet Dogs (Martin Buttrich mix) - Universal Music
- 13. Mike Shannon - Dr X (X Flex mix) - Plus 8
- 14. Boddhi Satva - Punch Koko - Vega
- 15. Soundstream - Soul Train - Soundstream
- 16. Sia - The Girl You Lost (Sander van Doorn mix / Ross Alexanders re-edit)
- 17. DJ Sneak - Dry Rub (dub mix) - Houseguest Music
- 18. Gorge - Bambossa - Plastic City
- 19. Brass Construction - Movin - EMI
- 20. Johnny D - Requiem For a Dream - 8Bit
- 21. Peter van Hoesen - Casual Care - Time To Express
- 22. Rhythm and Sound feat Paul St Hillaire - Free For All (Soundstream mix) - Burial
- 23. Ricky L - Nothing But - Ibadan
- 24. Soundstream - Love Jam - Soundstream
- 25. Kenny Dope Gonzales - Blackout (beats) - Ill Friction